2 min readMar 15, 2022


How do I make healthy progress?

Everyday I wake up thinking about how we can get more people healthy. I am in the health business. The more people we can help the more money we can make. We have over 4M members at Anytime Fitness but that’s just a fraction of the population who is struggling. It’s our purpose to enable access to better choices.

I see our crew of coaches, managers, owners working everyday to ignite any spark of motivation they can find. They try hard to nurture that spark to become a steady rolling fire of healthier choices. It’s hard work! And we are always looking to identify moments where someone might need some support.

Over time, I have noticed a common pattern that is helpful if you are looking to improve your health or if your job is like mine and you are trying to help.

Establish a baseline — this can literally be anything but it must be measurable and the best know how to let the consumer decide. If you want to work on moving more, set a movement goal that is “one notch” above what you do now. For example, if you go for a walk on the weekend, set a goal to go for one walk during the week.

Enable Action — make the goal specific and time bound to what you can accomplish in a week. Half of us like to pick the specific day of the week and schedule our walk. The other half of us, don’t like schedules. That’s cool, just build in a framework that gives you the freedom to choose which actions to take. Three walks this week is the framework and as long as you get in three walks, all good.

Surround with Support — this is as simple as telling someone else. Sometimes for me it’s making a promise to my 13 year old dog Nola that we will get outside this week. I am now accountable to someone (or animal) that is bigger then just myself.

If you are struggling with your health and looking for some help, please reach out. I know 5,000+ people around the globe who are here for you.





eat,move,sleep repeat (it’s not that simple but pretending it is helps)